How AI useful in the mobile application.

Hello, readers in this blog we are going to discuss how artificial intelligence is useful in mobile application, in today’s world AI emerging day by day it makes the most complex processes easy to work, AI is nothing but to understand human inputs except mouse entry and keyboards when we talking about human inputs that include:

1. human voice

2. human behavioral actions

3. human emotions

4. human body parts actions

These are some inputs of humans used by AI technology and convert that inputs in the productive outcome that’s why AI is the most trending technology nowadays.

so, with the help of some AI technology, we can make mobile applications smarter and that will give customers a good user experience.some AI technology we can use in mobile applications are as below:

1.Voice recognition system: as we saw in regular app humans interact with the application by doing some manual action taping on buttons to view any options, so to smooth line this process, we can integrate a voice/speech recognition system in our application. the voice recognition system we integrate into our app has received the inputs from the user and convert these voice inputs in manual action which is performed by the user e.g login in the app by entering credentials. How it works some example as below:

· Google Assistant:

Google Assistant is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) enabled and voice-powered virtual assistant software. It is known as one of the trending and advanced virtual assistants.

Google Assistant supports both text and voice entry and uses the latest AI technology like NLP (natural language processing). It provides a variety of services, including voice search, voice commands, assists tasks, translates in real-time, sends reminders, finds information online, makes an appointment, and many more.

· Alexa:

Alexa for Apps is free to use, simple to set up, and works across both iOS and Android. Add Alexa for Apps to your custom skill to connect mobile customers to multiple apps. Alexa can even open your website or to an app store if users don’t yet have your app installed. Best of all, you won’t have to change your app if it has content that can already be opened with deep links.


This Artificial intelligence feature is of great use when it comes to developing business apps. It helps the companies to interact with customers who fill the feedback form or inquire about the company and its services.

3.Natural Language Technology

If you want to develop an application for customers, natural language technology is the best AI technology to integrate. Apps for creating reports and market reviews need this AI technology in their mobile apps. Natural Language Processing plays a vital role in grammar and sentence correction software and auto-correct functions as well.

4.Machine Learning

It is one of the most popular AI technologies integrated into the majority of apps. Machine learning algorithms build a model based on sample data, known as “training data”, to make predictions or decisions without being explicitly programmed to do so. Machine learning algorithms are used in a wide variety of applications, such as in medicine, email filtering, and computer vision, where it is difficult or unfeasible to develop conventional algorithms to perform the needed tasks. it’s also useful for classification and predictions. So, if your business involves in predictions, having an ML-based app helps a lot.


Biometrics is an AI technology that identifies, analyzes, and measures human behavior. It will recognize the physical aspects, structure, shape, and size of the human body.

The biometric AI technology also knows voice, gesture control, and sensory recognition. Biometrics is mostly used in marketing, research, also in banking like ATMs to authenticate the user.

5.Emotion Recognition

AI provides another interesting technology that allows reading human emotions from their face. The emotion recognition tech uses advanced image processing or audio data for emotion recognition. This allows capturing human senses with voice intonation and subtle speech signals.

6.Image Recognition

Image recognition is a great addition to mobile app development. Image recognition technology depends on the process of detecting any object in a digital image or a video. This technology also identifies license plates, analyzes clients to check users by their face, and diagnoses diseases.

7.Text Recognition

This is also called natural language processing which allows the user to find all the relevant information you need in the news, search engines, and structure solid texts. At present this technology applies in the fraud detection system and security.


AI could enable your smartphone to translate different languages in real-time without any internet connections. Artificial Intelligence can provide a simultaneous translation tool that allows sentences to be translated almost instantly without any delay.


AI technology is emerging day by day and streamlined most of the complex works procedures of humans, so in business, we need to adapt the AI technologies in mobile application this is in demand, most of the users are found of AI technologies that they are using it. so integrate AI in mobile applications is a good option. it makes our mobile application smarter than our competitors’ one. As result, it will attract more userbase and business.

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